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Taylor Bowers is a native-Pittsburgher. She’s grown up both north and south of the iconic city and its unique community. It’s no surprise that she ended up at the University of Pittsburgh. She graduated in May of 2021 securing a degree in both Studio Arts and Psychology.

A lover of animals, children, and yellow raincoats, Taylor draws inspiration from the world around her. Her practice heavily focuses on photography, painting, and drawing. Currently, her art has been a joy-filled supplement to her 9-5 job which she hopes one day to turn into full-time. Her most recent work showcases the concept of place through photographing individual cities' iconography.

Artist Statement

"I see the world through color—hundreds of shades and hues coming together. As an artist, I strive to recreate normal, mundane events, and animate them through color. Taking inspiration from everyday life, my focus is on shifting the perspective of a solemn world to a vibrant one. It's easy to take life for granted and I believe if we stop and find a new viewpoint, any instance can touch us. There's an emotionality expressed through art that connects us all. My hope for any audience when experiencing my work is that they stop and appreciate the moment they're in before rushing to whatever comes next."

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